Lockdown photoshoot in a local park
I know the times are tuff and everyone is longing for their friends and family but I try to stay positive and make it as normal for my family as it's only possible.
I is difficult because out of nowhere our lives stopped and they stopped seeing their grandparents, friends, going to nursery, school, after school classes and everywhere else.
I try to think of entertainment and activities for them and limit their screen time as we all know most of our kids are addicted to. I would like to share one tip I used during Coronavirus lockdown.
Try to think of some interesting objects you have at home and you can take on one of your walks to make it more fu for them. It can be a magnifying glass, binoculars, an old camera or prism.
You can also print one of the "Woodland Hunt Checklists" and kids can tick the woodland creatures and plants they spot on the way. I've found my list on Twinkle.
We also collect little flowers we find and freeze them in little ice cubes to play with them later.
You can be sure they will love it!
Outfit : Strojmisie
Shoes: Next UK
Photographer : Emilia Reilly Photography
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